Housing portal
By logging onto the housing portal, you will be able to view your account, enter a maintenance request, apply for an upcoming term and much more.
Seneca King – Housing Portal
Seneca Newnham – Housing Portal
Residents can sign in guests with the iPads at the front desk in the lobby. For the full guests and visitors policy, please view the Residence Community Living Standards.
Newnham: Connect to Seneca Rez
King: Connect to Seneca WPA, Password: 13990Dufferin
Residents are responsible for removing their own garbage and recycling from their suite. Each suite comes with a blue bag to assist with storing and disposing of your recyclables.
King – garbage and recycling bins are available outside the building to the far right upon exiting the main lobby.
Newnham – garbage chutes are available at the end of the hallway on every floor and the recycling room is located on the first floor.
The laundry room is on the first floor of the King residence and on floors 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 at the Newnham residence.
Laundry cards can be purchased for $5. They can be loaded at the machine in the laundry room at King or outside of the Residence Life office at Newnham.
Common kitchen and study lounges
Study lounges are on every floor and common kitchens are on the first.
Maintenance staff are available to assist with high priority concerns. Requests can be made through the housing portal, by selecting maintenance on the navigation bar and creating a ‘new job’.
Mail and parcels
Mail and parcels from delivery services can be picked up at the front desk. Friends and family aren’t allowed to leave items at the desk for residents.
Mail and parcels should be sent to the residence address and include the resident’s full name.
King mailing address:
Student name – Suite #,Seneca King Residence,13980 Dufferin St.,King City, Ontario, L7B 1L7
Newnham mailing address:
Student name – Suite #, Seneca Newnham Residence, 1760 Finch Ave. E., Toronto, Ontario, M2J 5G3
Room key card
Residence staff are not responsible for letting you into your room if you misplace or forget your residence key card. Residents can buy a temporary lockout card for $5 or a replacement key for $20 at the front desk.
As a reminder, only you can be in possession of your room key. Residents are not permitted to give another individual their room key, as this is a violation of the Residence Community Living Standards.
is requesting access to a wiki that you have locked: https://students.senecapolytechnic.ca/spaces/105/residence/wiki/view/13404/living-in-residence
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