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Kindness Day

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Dates: Tuesday November 26, 2024  

Time: 2-6pm (Kindness Whiteboard & Tees) & 2:30-4:30pm (Hugs & Photo ops with Sammy)  

Location: Newnham Fitness Centre 


This wellness week, we’re celebrating World Kindness Day at the Fitness Centre with the following activities that are sure to warm your heart and make you smile.  



Drop by 2-6pm to write a kind message on the whiteboard and receive a T-shirt while supplies last.  



From 2:30-4:30pm, you can get a hug and take a photo with Sammy.  

Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and thoughtful. It typically involves actions that enhance the well-being of others, whether through small gestures, support, or even just sharing a smile. Kindness can also be practiced toward ourselves, which is self-kindness. Both kindness toward others and ourselves are good for our health and well-being.


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