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Gratitude, Intention & Positivity Day | Athletics & Recreation | Seneca Students

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Apr 2

Gratitude, Intention & Positivity Day

4/2/2024 2:30 PM 4:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)
Newnham Service Hub

For our final Wellness Week of the semester, we're going to focus on expressing gratitude, setting intentions and sharing positivity. We'll have the following activities for you to take part in.

  1. Gratitude Whiteboard - Write what you are grateful for and place it on the white board
  2. Set an intention with a Mindful Mark temporary tattoo
  3. Positivity Jar - write a positive message to place in the Positivity Jar and take one with you

Join us and enjoy the good things that can happen from these activities.

  1. Feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood and immunity
  2. Setting an intention brings the present moment and purpose to our thoughts and actions guiding us towards what we value and want.
  3. Positive words and comments make us feel good and can improve our mindset.

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