Do at least 5 minutes of light cardio exercise that will result in a light sweat (walking or a light jogging on the treadmill, bike, elliptical, skipping, jumping jacks etc.) prior to starting your workout.
8-12 reps per set, 3 sets per exercise, rest 1-2 minutes between sets
Aim to do muscle strengthening activities using major muscle groups at least twice a week.
Do not train the same workout or train the same muscles on consecutive days.
Body Weight Squats
Tips:Elevated heels can increase your range of motion. Place weight plates underneath the heels to achieve this.Keep your eyes forward during the entire movement to help enable correct alignment.
Leg Press - Option 1
Leg Press - Option 2
Tips:For increased range of motion, you can lower the platform to the point just before the glutes lift off the seat, but beyond that risks injury to the spine.Push with the entire foot and not the toes.
Variation:You can perform the leg press one leg at a time to help address any strength imbalances between them.Spreading the feet wider on the platform and angling them out will work the inner thighs, while placing your feet higher on the platform will emphasize your glutes.
Leg Curl
Keep your back stable and against the seat throughout the movement.Focus on controlling the movement-not the weight.
Lat Pull Down
Tips:Keep your chest up and pull the bar towards it.Push your shoulders down towards the floor to avoid the shoulders elevating.
Variations:Different grips will emphasize different muscles: try a wider grip to work the lats even more or utilize a narrower supinated (underhand) grip to work the biceps as well.
Dumbbell Chest Press
Tips:Squeeze your upper back as you lower the dumbbells to avoid discomfort in the shoulder.Maintain all points of contact with the bench and floor.When using heavier weights, always have a spotter. This helps with both the initial set up as well as muscle failure during the movement.
Variations:Different bench angles will place greater emphasis on distinct parts of the pectorals. An inclined bench angle targets the upper pectorals more effectively, while a declined bench angle will target the lower pectorals.
Tips:Ensure that your elbows are right under your shoulders to keep correct alignment and avoid stressing the shoulders.Keep your torso and legs stiff to maintain alignment.Remember to keep breathing during the exercise, rather than holding in your breath.
Variations:Support the lower body on the knees, rather than the toes, to make the exercise easier.
Standing Quad Stretch
Tips:Keep your spine neutral.Exhale as you go into the stretch and continue to breathe comfortably as you hold.
Chest Reach Back & Turn Stretch
Tips:Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and keep an upright posture.Exhale as you move into the stretch and breathe naturally as you hold.
Variation:Lower or raise the arm to stretch distinct parts of the chest muscles.
Leg Up Hamstring Stretch
Tips:Keep your feet shoulder width apart and spine neutral.Keep both hips facing forward.Exhale as you move into the stretch and breathe naturally as you hold
Back Spinal Flexion/ Cat Stretch
Tips:Exhale as you move into the stretch and breathe naturally as you hold.
Rectus Abdominis/ Cobra Stretch
· Kneel on floor with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips.
· Gently tighten your abdominal muscles to avoid any sagging or arching in your lower back.
· Gently exhale and contract your abdominal muscles, pushing your spine up towards the ceiling, allowing your head to fall towards your chest.
· Hold for 10-15 seconds. (American Council on Exercise, n.d.; canfitpro, 2016)
Try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity a week. Aim for 15-30 minutes of cardio most days of the week.
Some examples include walking, jogging, swimming, skipping, biking, fitness classes, and dance classes etc.
The Talk Test and Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) are simple, and reliable ways to gauge your exercise intensity. Aim for a perceived exertion of 6-8 on the RPE scale.
RPE & Talk Test Reference:
Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. (2013, 2019). Training for Health & Performance. Section 5. CSEPT-PATH Physical Activity Training for Health. (2nd Cdn ed., p. 13). Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology.
Exercise & Stretch References:
American Council on Exercise. (n.d.) Exercise database and library.
canfitpro. (2022a, April 14). Body weight squat [Video]. YouTube.
canfitpro. (2022b, April 27). Dumbbell bench press [Video]. YouTube.
canfitpro. (2016). Foundations of professional personal training (2nd Cdn. ed.). Human Kinetics. (Note: Adapted from pp. 337, 339, 342, 341, & 343)
canfitpro. (2023). Foundations of professional personal training (3rd Cdn. ed.). Human Kinetics. (Note: Adapted from p. 266)
canfitpro. (2022c, April 29). Lat pull down [Video]. YouTube.
Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. (2019). Physical activity training for health. (2nd Cdn. ed.). (Note: Adapted from p. 13)
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