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Introduction to Citation – Webinar | Seneca Libraries | Seneca Students

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Feb 10

Introduction to Citation – Webinar

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2/10/2025 10:00 AM 10:45 AM (Eastern Standard Time)

This workshop will include a citation presentation for an overview of how and why to follow citation rules in order to avoid plagiarism. After the presentation there will be a question and answer session where you can ask your questions about the rules of APA or MLA styles

This workshop will take place online as a webinar using Zoom.

Link: https://senecapolytechnic.zoom.us/meeting/register/Mlvg1G_QT9CPI2CWIivXZw

Webinar Tips:

Please disable your microphone and webcam when entering the webinar and only unmute your microphone when asking a question.

In order to preserve bandwidth and to make things a little less confusing, we ask you to keep your webcam disabled for the duration of the webinar.

Webinars are hosted through Zoom. Information on setting up Zoom can be found through IT Services.