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When and how should I distribute/send out my accommodation letter? | Accessible Learning Services

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Posted in: Accessible Learning Services

When and how should I distribute/send out my accommodation letter?

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  • When and how should I distribute/send out my accommodation letter?

  • Answered

    Students must distribute their accommodation letter each semester.

    To do this:

    1. Access the Student Portal

    2. Select the icon titled "Request Accommodation Letter for Distribution to your Professors and Academic Program"

    3. Follow the steps:

    • Please review your accommodations.
    • Under "Courses to request", select the course(s) to request your accommodations to be effective. For each course selected, an email will be sent to the professors of that course, where you will be copied in this email along with your counsellor. Please note: If you do not select a course, the professor will not be notified regarding your accommodations
    • Under "Please indicate if your accommodations require any changes", select "Send my accommodation letter..."
    • After reading the "Terms of Use", select "I agree..."
    • Press the "Submit" button. Please wait as your Accommodation Letters are being emailed to the professors of the course(s) that you selected.
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