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Seneca Students Invited to Participate in AWS DeepRacer League at Humber Polytechnic | School of Information Technology Administration & Security

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Seneca Students Invited to Participate in AWS DeepRacer League at Humber Polytechnic

Seneca Students Invited to Participate in AWS DeepRacer League at Humber Polytechnic

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Attention Seneca Faculty! 

We are excited to announce that Humber Polytechnic will be hosting an AWS DeepRacer League event on April 22 and 23. This thrilling competition offers a fantastic opportunity for students to showcase their skills in machine learning and autonomous racing.

We are looking for interested and capable students to form a couple of teams, with two or three students per team. This is a great chance to collaborate, learn, and compete in a cutting-edge technology event.

For more information about the event, please visit the Humber Polytechnic announcement.

Due to the short timeframe, we need to form teams and inform Humber Polytechnic  as soon as possible. Please share this with your students and if they are interested in participating, please contact Mehdi Akbari.

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to represent Seneca and compete in the AWS DeepRacer League!