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Seneca Engineering Students' Society: fostering a Strong Student Community

Seneca Engineering Students' Society: fostering a Strong Student Community

Seneca Engineering Students' Society (SESS) is a student-run organization that aims to improve the academic, professional, and social lives of Seneca Polytechnic engineering students. Serving as a central hub for students, SESS provides opportunities, events, and services that support both professional and personal development.

SESS was founded in the summer of 2022 and formally started operating in the winter 2023. It soon established itself as a vital component of the Seneca engineering community.

It is essential to highlight the first big milestone of SESS when they joined the Engineering Student Societies' Council of Ontario (ESSCO) in November 2023, connecting Seneca with 16 other engineering schools in Ontario. Later, on April 28, 2024, the engineering society’s network expanded on a national level, becoming a member of Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES). Since then, SESS has obtained a strong team, including Jacky Lau as a faculty advisor and executives from Bachelor of Engineering (BSA) program, and has expanded its membership to over 365 students, including around 120 engineering students.

Key Events and Student Engagement

Seneca Engineering Students’ Society keeps up its efforts to create an enjoyable, motivating, and welcoming atmosphere, offering various events to foster its members’ social and academic experiences.

For example, the first Engineering Society Movie Night in November 2023 brought together 30 students for a relaxed and fun evening. That same month, 40 students explored industry innovations during the Engineering Conference 2023 Trade Show and then four SESS delegates attended the Ontario Professional Engineers Awards (OPEA) Gala.

By January 2024, the engineering society had initiated the planning stage for National Engineering Month (NEM) events and performed an observer role at the Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC), sending two delegates.

FROSH: the Engineering Community

The FROSH event is a fun-filled day where students can meet new friends, learn about the campus, and participate in fun activities. This event is organized by the Seneca Engineering Students' Society in collaboration with the School of SDDS (Software

Design & Data Science). It is more than just a welcome — it is an introduction to a dynamic and supportive community.

The engineering Society was first introduced to the Engineering students during the Academic Orientation, which you can find out more about in the “related articles” below.

SESS also promoted their upcoming events and competitions such as National Engineering Month (NEM) Event 2024 and the Seneca Engineering Competition (SEC). Moreover, they encouraged students to take part in future activities and other resources available to them, helping maintain a successful academic journey ahead.

More of the events

During National Engineering month, SESS amazed students and faculty with a Gesture-Control Robot Demo. They demonstrated the demo in April at Computational Thinking & Coding event at Seneca, highlighting their skills.

In June 2024, SESS sent four delegates to Conestoga College for the ESSCO President’s Meeting and in September, they attended McMaster University for the CFES Presidents' Meeting. Moreover, the engineering society organized a Q&A session for BSA students on Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) to provide more insights on professional opportunities. Looking ahead, SESS is planning to send the delegates to the First Year Integration Conference (FYIC) in November 2024 and the Professional Engineers Ontario Student Conference (PEO-SC) in October 2024.


In conclusion, SESS not only creates a welcoming environment but also offers great opportunities to students for academic and professional growth. We can be certain that Seneca Students’ Engineering Society is dedicated to maintaining student engagement and leadership, ensuring the prosperity of its society.