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Seneca's School of Software Design & Data Sciences - Who We Are | School of Software Design & Data Science | Seneca Students

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Seneca's School of Software Design & Data Sciences - Who We Are

Seneca's School of Software Design & Data Sciences - Who We Are

Seneca’s School of Software Design and Data Science (SDSS) extends you the opportunity to engage in forward-looking programs that will prepare you to play important roles within organizations that work with digital products, services and platforms.

Whether you are currently registered in a two-year diploma, a three-year advanced diploma, a graduate certificate or a degree, the entire SDSS team is committed to enabling your professional journey, as our programs are designed to prepare graduates for the fast-growing and constantly changing world of software engineering, data science and technology management.

In today’s world, almost all industry sectors need graduates who have the knowledge and skills you are gaining in your program of study.  Whether you are focused on Business Analytics, Software Engineering, Technology Management, Database Management or Computer Programming, the careers of the future await you! 

We are proud of our state-of-the-art facilities, ability to use cutting-edge teaching and educational technologies, and strong connections with employers.  Our talented faculty, in collaboration with experts across the college will help you prepare for and identify your career path.  

We are here to help you achieve your goals!