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What is the OSC? Students Welcome to Get Involved! | School of Software Design & Data Science | Seneca Students

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What is the OSC? Students Welcome to Get Involved!

What is the OSC? Students Welcome to Get Involved!

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The Skills Ontario Competition provides students to be one of the best across different fields and compete with their peers. Students get the opportunity to make an impression on their teachers, family, friends, and potential employers throughout the course of the two competition days. The competition has different levels, starting at the regional level created by the post-secondary institutions that progress to the national level and global level. In the previous year, the School of Software Design and Data Science competed in the Coding category. This year, we will compete in the Web and Coding categories. 

Our pupil, Gerardo Enrique Arriaga Rendon, won a bronze medal the year before, and we anticipate that this year will be equally as exciting as the previous one.  

If you have any queries, you can reach out to Catherine Leung. She can help provide more information regarding the competitions and help answer any questions you may have.  

For more information regarding the competition, feel free to visit the competition's homepage.

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