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Are you a student within the SDDS and want to study abroad this Summer Semester? | School of Software Design & Data Science | Seneca Students

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Are you a student within the SDDS and want to study abroad this Summer Semester?

Are you a student within the SDDS and want to study abroad this Summer Semester?

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Seneca’s Global Learning and Engagement team is looking for students in BSD, BTM, CPP and CPA to study abroad this Summer. This exceptional program allows students to complete credits towards their program while studying and living abroad. 

There several options for you for this year, like completing a general education/liberal studies course in FranceSouth Korea or the United Kingdom .

Additionally, CPA students (specifically) can apply for a semester exchange program to the Netherlands this Fall 2023 and Winter 2024

All students will receive $2,000 in funding to support their study abroad program. 

 Applications are now OPEN - Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!  

 Application deadline: March 15th, 2023, at 11:59PM (EST)  

Learn More about the programme by visiting  Global Learning and Engagement website on MySeneca  

 If you have any further questions about the opportunities, please reach out to global.learning@senecacollege.ca 

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