In each academic course, there are a number of evaluations, including (but not limited to) tests, assignments, and a final exam. They are designed to enable a student to show evidence of learning, and achievement of the course learning outcomes.
All evaluations must be attempted or are due when scheduled. You cannot simply attempt or submit an evaluation when it is convenient with you.
Each course outline includes an overview of its evaluations, and each course professor will provide a more detailed list of evaluations, including their date-and-time scheduling information.
A test-like evaluation must be written when scheduled.
If you are unable to write a test, what happens? It depends. Your professor will have a course policy - please read it. Be aware that some courses do NOT provide an opportunity to attempt a replacement test, and others that do.
If there is an opportunity to attempt attempt a replacement test, you are typically required to provide 1) advance notice to your professor, and 2) acceptable supporting documentation. Please read your professor's course policy for details.
An assignment-like evaluation is due on a specific date, at a specific time.
If you are unable to submit an assignment, what happens? It depends. Your professor will have a course policy - please read it. Be aware that some courses do NOT provide an opportunity to submit a late assignment, and others that do.
If there is an opportunity to submit a late assignment, its graded value will be reduced. Please read your professor's course policy for details.
If the course has a final exam, it must be written when scheduled.
Please be aware that you are responsible to be available for the full academic term, spanning the time period from the first day of classes, through to the last day of the exam period. It is not possible to request an absence during the exam period.
After each academic term, course grades are recorded on each student's transcript, which is available on the Student Centre system.
It is possible that a course grade has been recorded as INC, SUP, or DEF. This section explains these temporary grades.
Please note that a student cannot request a grade of INC, SUP, or DEF. Those grades are recorded by the Promotion Committee, based on a recommendation by the course professor. (The Promotion Committee is a group that consists of and officially represents the teaching faculty involved with the student.)
A grade of INC may be recorded when a student has not completed a specific required evaluation, but has satisfactorily completed all other requirements and evaluations. Typically, the required evaluation is substantial in scope, importance, and value, and is the final evaluation of the term, before the final examination.
A grade of INC is recorded by the Promotion Committee, based on a recommendation by the course professor.
The completion due date for the required evaluation is shown on the student's transcript. Typically, the date is set as the first Tuesday of the following academic term. Please note that the School of SDDS does not use "a letter" as described in the College's Academic Policy Section 8.7. Instead, the transcript is used.
If the required evaluation is completed by the due date, the professor will mark the work, assess a late-submission penalty (if any), and assign a course grade. If the required evaluation is not completed by the due date, the grade will be changed to F.
A grade of SUP may be recorded when a student does not pass the course's final evaluation, but has satisfactorily completed all other requirements and evaluations, at a high achievement level.
A grade of SUP is recorded by the Promotion Committee, based on a recommendation by the course professor.
There is a fee charged for the supplemental privilege, which could be an examination, or some other work. Upon successful completion of the supplemental privilege, the student will be awarded the minimum passing grade for that course, which is in most cases, a grade of D.
A grade of DEF may be recorded when a student did not attempt the final examination, but has satisfactorily completed all other requirements and evaluations.
A grade of DEF is recorded by the Promotion Committee, based on a recommendation by the course professor.
If a student misses an examination, an excused absence can be requested, which may result in a deferred examination. To qualify, the student must notify the course professor as soon as possible, before the end of the day of the scheduled examination, and provide a reason for missing the examination. The course professor and the Promotion Committee will consider the reason on compassionate grounds, which typically include illness, or a death in the immediate family, or other circumstances deemed acceptable. Valid and verifiable documentation must be provided by the student, within one week of the scheduled examination.
There is no fee charged for a deferred examination, and the final grade for the course is calculated in the same manner as if the examination had been attempted when scheduled. The deferred examination will be different from the missed examination, but comparable in scope and difficulty level.
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