Title & Link
Around the House *
Click flashcard study.
Click scatter game: using your mouse, move each sentence to its matching picture or word. Your goal is to do this in under 30 seconds to get a stamp from a lab technician. (Play the game a few times.)
Note: do not change any of the options on the screen.
At the Supermarket *
Body Parts *
Unscramble words about the parts of the body.
Clothes 1 *
Complete 10 fill-in-the-blanks questions, a scrambled words activity, and a picture-matching vocabulary activity.
Clothes 2 *
Click spelling exercise: in each blank, type the colour vocabulary that you hear (e.g., black, red, orange, pink). When your progress bar reaches 100%, put up your hand to get a stamp from a lab technician.
Clothes 3 *
Colours of the Rainbow *
Common Places *
Everyday Collocations and Expressions 1 *
Click listening and spelling exercise. You will listen to 25 everyday collocations/expressions: please type what you hear in the blank space.
Everyday School Supplies *
1. Click flashcard study.
2. Click listening and spelling exercise. You will listen to everyday school supplies: please type what you hear in the blank space. When your progress bar reaches 100%, put up your hand to get a stamp from a lab technician.
Family *
Watch and listen to this public domain video (2:35) on CAN-8 about the family. Then, answer the comprehension questions.
Family Vocabulary *
2. Click scatter game: using your mouse, move each sentence to its matching picture or word. Your goal is to do this in under 30 seconds to get a stamp from a lab technician. (Play the game a few times.)
3. Click spelling exercise: in each blank, type the family word that you hear (e.g., father, aunt, brother-in-law). When your progress bar reaches 100%, put up your hand to get a stamp from a lab technician.
Measure Words *
1. Click lesson.
2. Click flashcard study.
3. Click spelling exercise: in each blank, type the measure word that you hear (e.g., bottle, can, slice, handful). When your progress bar reaches 100%, put up your hand to get a stamp from a lab technician.
Money, Money, Money *
Singular and Plural Everyday Nouns *
Click fill-in-blanks exercise: type the correct plural form of each singular noun. There are 60 common nouns in total. When you are finished, put up your hand to get a stamp from a lab technician.
Sports and Games *
What’s the Opposite? *
Complete 38 multiple-choice questions about opposite adjectives.
What’s the Word? Machines *
Choose the correct word (of four words) to match the picture.
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