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Important information in the Laptops policy
Borrowing services is limited to actively-enrolled Seneca students only. Borrowers (interchangeable with student) are responsible for making their own equipment reservations in person; the ITS Service Counter staff do not support email bookings or phone requests for equipment loans. Each borrower is permitted to borrow one (1) laptop, camera, and tripod at a time unless advised. Borrowing of multiple laptops, cameras and tripods are not permitted. There will be a one (1) day rest period in between loans of the same equipment type.
A valid Seneca OneCard with photo is required. If the student does not have a valid OneCard with a photo and still wishes to borrow equipment they are to provide 1 piece of physical Government issued ID. All equipment must be returned to the same ITS Service Counter from which it was originally borrowed. At the time of lending and returning, the condition of the equipment and the presence of all peripherals will be reviewed by ITS Service Counter staff. The borrower will be required to wait at the ITS Service Counter while this process is completed. If the borrower chooses to leave the ITS Service Counter during the return of equipment, the borrower assumes responsibility on all missing items and damages found. The borrower’s loan account will be flagged until the matter has been resolved.When checking out equipment for group projects, the group must designate a group member responsible for checking out the necessary equipment. It is the responsibility of that individual to oversee the use of the equipment and to ensure that it is returned to the ITS Service Counter in good working condition by the required due date. If the equipment is returned late, the penalty will be applied to the account of the person who signed out the equipment. Any discrepancies remain with the group to resolve amongst themselves.Under no circumstances should equipment in the borrower’s possession be given or loaned to any other person, even to be returned. All equipment transfers must be handled through the ITS Service Counter.ITS Service Counter personnel reserve the right to limit or deny the lending of equipment depending on a student’s borrowing history.
All equipment borrowed has a return date. Past due charges are applicable. Laptops and other equipment must be returned by 7:00 PM. No rentals or returns are allowed after this time.Laptops are to be used according to the Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
If equipment is damaged, stole or lost, the borrower assumes full financial liability to cover the cost of either the repair or replacement. The cost incurred will be capped at $1000. In addition, the student will be flagged suspending any future loan requests until the matter has been resolved.While ITS Service Counter personnel do check equipment for damages, it is the borrower's responsibility to thoroughly check all equipment upon issuance. Once equipment is loaned to a student, they assume responsibility for any damage to equipment while in their possession. If you find any problems during this check, you must inform ITS Service Counter within thirty (30) minutes of the equipment being signed out. You will not be held responsible for equipment problems reported within thirty (30) minutes of being signed out, unless equipment is in noticeably different condition than when signed out.Equipment found to be unattended and unsecured will be confiscated. The borrower will be flagged and suspended from any future loan requests until the matter has been resolved.
All equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved ahead of time. On very rare circumstances, supply and demand may create situations of extreme need. During times of extreme need (special events, major assignments, midterms, final exams, etc.), the ITS Service Counter may enforce shorter loan periods and has the right to recall equipment that has been checked out.
Hours of Operation for each ITS Service Counters:
Loan periods – by default for 3 days maximum. You may return the equipment earlier, however there are penalties for returning equipment late. Please refer to the following rules regarding late returns.
Equipment not returned by the date it is due back will be subject to the Late Returns Penalty (see charges below). Borrowers will be notified by automated email reminders (email is sent to your student email address: if their loans become pas due. Past due fines will be capped at $1000. Only laptops are available for loan at campuses other than Seneca@York. For other equipment, you must go to the Seneca@York Campus.
Students with outstanding returns and/or fines will be suspended from future loans from the ITS Service Counters until the matter has been resolved. Matters not resolved by the Manager, ITS Client and Audio Visual Services, will be escalated to the Student Conduct Office. The Student Conduct Office will further investigate the matter. The Student Conduct Office has the authority to flag the borrower’s academic record, impacting the borrower’s ability to add courses, enrollment and credential and transcript requests. Once the matter has been resolved, the Student Conduct Office will have the flag removed from the academic record.
Disputed fines and loan privilege matters are to be referred to the Manager, ITS Client and Audio Visual Services.
Alvin ShumHead, Enterprise IT Client Services Information Technology Services
Note: You can download the PDF version of this policy, ITS Service Counter Loaner Services - Policy.pdf
Last Updated: March 2025
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