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Version 7

Sharing Sensitive Information

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Seneca uses several solutions to enable the secure sharing and distribution of sensitive information including Seneca Email, OneDrive, and Secure File Transfer.


Seneca email provides a secure and convenient channel for sending and receiving messages that contain confidential information. Email systems come with several built in, time saving features, such as auto-correct, auto-fill, and distribution lists; unfortunately, misdirected emails continue to be one of the most common means for accidental disclosure of information. Below are guidelines for keeping information secure when using email:

  1. Always use your Seneca email address when communicating with students and employees. Students are reminded that they should be checking their Seneca accounts regularly.
  2. Avoid “reply all” responses when it is not required.
  3. Forward emails with caution. Email messages can easily be copied and forwarded instantaneously to people for whom it was not intended.
  4. Handle email containing sensitive personal information with extra care.
  5. Always write emails in a professional manner; keep the content focused on the facts, and avoid subjective commentary.

Seneca OneDrive Links:

OneDrive provides a secure method for sharing confidential information. Instead of emailing attachments that contain confidential information, students and employees can share files in their OneDrive by sending a link. These links can be further protected by ensuring the link is set up to restrict access “to specific people” so in the event an email is forwarded or misdirected, the information contained in the file is not accessible.

Secure File Transfer:

Sometimes there’s a need to send personal or confidential information to external third parties. The Seneca File Transfer Service allows students and employees to send (and receive) files with both Senecans and non-Senecans. The service is useful for sending and receiving large files as Seneca no longer permits zipped files to be emailed, and it provides a secure, encrypted channel for sensitive information.