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I am unable to run SAS 9.4 via Virtual Commons or on a loaner laptop, what can I do? | Software

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Posted in: MyApps Software

I am unable to run SAS 9.4 via Virtual Commons or on a loaner laptop, what can I do?

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  • I am unable to run SAS 9.4 via Virtual Commons or on a loaner laptop, what can I do?


  • Answered

    When you run SAS 9.4 on a Seneca workstation via Virtual Commons or on loaner laptops it should automatically open in Microsoft Edge. If you are still experiencing issues running SAS 9.4 on Seneca workstations via Virtual Commons or on loaner laptops please follow the instructions.

    It is critical that the instructions are followed in order for SAS to run:

    1. Launch Default Apps
    2. Switch Web Browser to Microsoft Edge.
    3. Open browser and go to MyApps.
    4. Log in and launch SAS 9.4
    5. Launch SAS Studio.  This part may take a while but it should open Internet Explorer 11.
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