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Explore India with Seneca’s Faculty-Led Program Abroad in Winter 2025! | Global Learning and Engagement | Seneca Students

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Explore India with Seneca’s Faculty-Led Program Abroad in Winter 2025!

Explore India with Seneca’s Faculty-Led Program Abroad in Winter 2025!

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Seneca Global Learning & Engagement is thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for all our students! For the first time ever, we are launching a Faculty-Led Program Abroad (FLPA) to India for the Winter 2025 semester. This program offers an immersive experience into the rich history and vibrant culture of the Indian subcontinent.


Program Details:

  • Travel Dates: February 22 - March 8, 2025 (tentative)
  • Host Institution: Pandit Deendayal Energy University
  • Locations: New Delhi and Ghandhinagar, India
  • Eligibility: Open to diploma, advanced diploma, and degree students
  • Language of Instruction: English
  • Accommodations: Shared hotel rooms


Academic Integration:

Depending on your academic program, students accepted into this FLPA will be automatically enrolled in one of the following courses for the Winter 2025 semester:

  • CUL 133 (India: From Maharajas to Gandhi) - for diploma and advanced diploma students
  • LSO 333 (India: From Taj Mahal to Gandhi) - for degree students

These courses include two weeks in India as a hands-on educational component, designed to complement classroom learning with real-world experiences.


How to Apply:

Interested students should apply by September 22, 2024. Click here to learn more about the application process for the Faculty-Led Program Abroad (FLPA) to India and submit your application.


Don’t miss this chance to broaden your horizons and experience the rich cultural heritage of India while earning academic credits. Seize this opportunity to make Winter 2025 an unforgettable semester!


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