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Application Deadline: Faculty-Led Program Abroad to Japan Winter 2025 | Global Learning and Engagement | Seneca Students

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Sep 22

Application Deadline: Faculty-Led Program Abroad to Japan Winter 2025

9/22/2024 (All day)

Opportunity information: https://students.senecapolytechnic.ca/spaces/195/global-learning-and-engagement/faculty-led-program-abroad-japan

This Faculty-Led Program Abroad to Japan: Cross-cultural Communications allows Seneca students to develop cross-cultural communications skills, see how rich history blends seamlessly with new technology, and reflect on intercultural communications practice in Canada.

Diploma and Advanced Diploma students will be eligible to apply for this opportunity. Students will have a two-week learning experience in Tokyo, Japan. 

The two weeks in Japan will serve as a hands-on educational component for the course Cross-Cultural Communications (CUL286), designed to complement theoretical and conceptual learning in the classroom.

Delivered in collaboration with Absolute Internship, CUL286 is led by Seneca professors.

Packed with field visits, weekend activities, and traditional cultural experiences, participating students will be immersed in Japanese culture while earning academic credit for your program at Seneca. (See below for course credit information.)

Learn more about the opportunity below and apply by Sept. 22.