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Info Session: Faculty-Led Program Abroad (FLPA) to Jamaica - Community Practice in Jamaica | Global Learning and Engagement | Seneca Students

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Sep 11

Info Session: Faculty-Led Program Abroad (FLPA) to Jamaica - Community Practice in Jamaica

Info Session
9/11/2024 11:00 AM 12:00 PM (Coordinated Universal Time)

Did you know Jamaica is the third largest island in the Caribbean, a captivating blend of unique culture and stunning landscapes? The country is also well-known as a land of warm smiles, reggae rhythms, breathtaking waterfalls, lush rainforests, hidden coves, and crystal-clear blue waters. 

The first-ever Faculty-Led Program Abroad: Community Practice in Jamaica allows Seneca students to dive into factors that affect people and communities in Jamaica, practice social service skills while developing cross-cultural experience, and reflect on opportunities and challenges in community practice in Jamaica and Canada.

SSWSSWISSWG,  SSWA, SSIA, and CYC students have an opportunity to attend a two-week learning experience in Jamaica and at Seneca's partner institution, the University of West Indies. 

Packed with field visits, cultural and historical activities, and lectures from industry experts, participating students will be immersed in cultures in Jamaica while earning academic credit for your program at Seneca. (See below for course credit information.)

Learn more about the opportunity by joining our Info Session!

Register here: https://senecapolytechnic.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkf--tqjgjGtwto26DnGw8ZrxLEau2TrsP

Application deadline: September 22

Opportunity page: https://students.senecapolytechnic.ca/spaces/195/global-learning-and-engagement/faculty-led-program-abroad-jamaica-uwi

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