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Engaging Lessons for OSLT Technology Students

Engaging Lessons for OSLT Technology Students

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OSLT (Occupation-specific Language Training) courses are free for eligible students and offer internationally trained professionals the communication skills needed to function in the Canadian workplace.

Students in the OSLT Technology course are nearing the end of their training, and are presently focusing on job interview skills.  They are practicing navigating tricky interview questions, like “What didn’t you like about your last job/last boss” etc., and “Tell me about a time you had a conflict with a co-worker/with your supervisor?”  One student noted, “I came to realize that my resume didn't meet the Canadian standards and I had to rewrite it.”

Throughout the four and a half month course, students with backgrounds in engineering, architecture, and information technology have completed various activities to hone language skills needed to work in a technology setting.  A student commented, “I like that the classes are not overcrowded and very interactive.  Every single class that I attended was beneficial for me because every time I learned something new”.

One class activity, involving group discussions and presentations, had students focusing on their own roles that they played within a team setting and the different values that are displayed in rather simple activities like decision-making.  Activities like this help students practice all four skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking.  Commenting on the instructor, a student said, “The feedback was very detailed and help me to have a better understanding which area I need to improve.  All the feedback comes with a couple of references if we want to study further/deeper on that area.”

Seneca College will be offering new OSLT courses in the fall, Accounting and FinanceTechnology and Professional Managers.  Students that complete one of these successfully will then be eligible to take the 40-hour OSLT Writing Professionally course offered in the winter semester.

To be eligible for OSLT, students need to be Permanent Residents or Convention Refugees, (not Canadian citizens or Refugee Claimants), have a Canadian Language Benchmark level 6 – 8, and have prior work experience or training in the sector.

For more information, please visit: https://www.senecacollege.ca/ce/oslt/#OSLTSchedule

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