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Baxter Media | School of Hospitality & Tourism | Seneca Students

School of Hospitality & Tourism

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Baxter Media

Baxter Media

Company Profile: Baxter Media is the travel industry's most sought-after source of innovation, knowledge, and solutions, bringing the world to Canada and Canada to the world.

Baxter Media has been the main source of information in the travel industry for 70 years pushing beyond the boundaries of publishing, news and information, utilizing a variety of media including print, digital, interactive and online. The No.1 supplier of travel information, our products and publications are a one-stop marketing solution helping our customers reach their goals by providing access to thousands of Canadian travel industry professionals.

Both Canadian Travel Press and Travel Courier are the most requested publications in the Canadian travel trade. Our luxury consumer publication, OFFSHORE Travel Magazine, launched in 2018.

List of available job opportunities/job titles: Baxter Student Ambassador Program (BSAP)

Company Website: http://www.travelpress.com