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Stephanie Henry

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Stephanie Henry is the Traffic reporter for Toronto’s liveliest morning show, Breakfast Television. Stephanie was drawn to media at an early age and taught herself how to use various programs including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash. In high school, she fell in love with broadcasting after taking an introductory course at her high school.

Born in Toronto and raised in Brampton, Stephanie admits to being a reality TV junkie. She officially began her broadcast career at York University and Seneca College, where she completed a joint program, receiving a B.A in Sociology and a diploma for Broadcast Journalism. During her time in school, Stephanie received the Susan Anton Clark Award for excelling in writing and bringing empathy to important issues.

Prior to joining the BT team, Stephanie worked at 680 NEWS as a Traffic reporter, but often covered entertainment and award shows. On the weekends, Stephanie still gets on the radio at 680 NEWS to report on community events.

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