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Denham Jolly (born August 26, 1935, in Jamaica) | Black History Month | Seneca Students

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Denham Jolly (born August 26, 1935, in Jamaica)

Denham Jolly (born August 26, 1935, in Jamaica)

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Image illustrated by Veronica Rojas Marquez, Fashion Arts advanced diploma student. Instagram: @veronicarojasm.

Denham Jolly, a businessman, philanthropist, activist, born in Jamaica came to Canada in 1955 on a student visa and studied at the University of Guelph and the Nova Scotia Agricultural College before being forced to return to Jamaica (Boyko, 2018). This was due to the subtle racism found in the study visa policies (only signed by Black students) that had them pledge to leave the country the day their visa expired. In 1961, Mr. Jolly returned to Canada and over the next decade he opened two nursing homes, medical labs and a hotel.

He was highly involved in social matters due to his segregations and discrimination experiences in housing, banking, education and even church attendance (Boyko, 2018). Mr. Jolly bought a Black newspaper expanding its reach and content for the Black community in Toronto. He also founded the Black Business and Professional Association with some colleagues. However, many  know Mr. Jolly for his decade long fight to obtain a license for a radio station. In February 2001, he was successful and launched FLOW 93.5 (Denham Jolly, 2021). To which the Toronto Sun stated, “At long last the dinosaurs at the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission have admitted Toronto needs a black-owned urban forma station on the FM dial” (2000). Mr. Jolly was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2020, notably he was the only Black appointee in 2020 (Denham Jolly, 2021).


Boyko, J. (2018). Denham Jolly. In The Canadian Encyclopedia. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/denham-jolly

Denham Jolly. (2021, December 10). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denham_Jolly#cite_note-17

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