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Alton C. Parker (born July 3, 1907, in Windsor, and died February 28, 1989, Windsor) | Black History Month | Seneca Students

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Alton C. Parker (born July 3, 1907, in Windsor, and died February 28, 1989, Windsor)

Alton C. Parker (born July 3, 1907, in Windsor, and died February 28, 1989, Windsor)

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Image illustrated by Veronica Rojas Marquez, Fashion Arts advanced diploma student. Instagram: @veronicarojasm.

In 1951, Alton Parker was the first Black Canadian to be promoted to the position of Police Detective (Alton Parker, 2020). His career, starting as a constable would last 28 years and would include several distinctions including the Order of Canada in 1976 and the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal. As the first Black officer on the Windsor Police Force, he played a crucial role in the lives of many Black Canadians. He was heavily involved in his community including his role as the president of the Central Citizens Association that focused on social issues for black people including employment services. He was very popular and well liked. On his death, his funeral attracted so many that they had to broadcast the service to nearby churches to accommodate the mourners.


Alton C. Parker. (2020, June 14). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alton_C._Parker

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