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Isaac Phills (Born January 11, 1896, in in the West Indies and died March 9, 1985, in Nova Scotia | Black History Month | Seneca Students

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Isaac Phills (Born January 11, 1896, in in the West Indies and died March 9, 1985, in Nova Scotia

Isaac Phills (Born January 11, 1896, in in the West Indies and died March 9, 1985, in Nova Scotia

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Image illustrated by Veronica Rojas Marquez, Fashion Arts advanced diploma student. Instagram: @veronicarojasm.

Born into poverty in the West Indies, Isaac Phills came to Nova Scotia in 1916 (Isaac Phills, 2021). He served in the First World War before to Sydney, Nova Scotia, where he worked as a steel worker. He was active in his community and was awarded the Order of Canada in 1967. His appointment is a part of the inaugural list and the only person of African descent on the list. He is the first Black man to receive the Order of Canada. His citation reads “A Cape Breton steel worker of West Indian origin, who raised a large family and despite many difficulties, gave them a good education and start in life and set a fine example in the community” (Isaac Phills, 2021, para. 8).


Isaac Phills. (2021, November 18). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Phills

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