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Team Seneca raises more than $5,000 for the 2023 United Way Campaign | Advancement & Alumni | Seneca Students

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Team Seneca raises more than $5,000 for the 2023 United Way Campaign

Team Seneca raises more than $5,000 for the 2023 United Way Campaign

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On Saturday, Oct. 21, Team Seneca accepted the challenge of climbing the CN Tower in support of the United Way. Twenty climbers conquered 1,776 stairs, raising an impressive $5,220.

The top fundraisers of the 2023 climb are:

  1. Cory Coletta 
  2. Aidan D'Souza 
  3. Gabriel Lopez Morales 

Congratulations to all climbers on accomplishing the climb and raising much needed funds for our community!

The CN Tower Climb is a capstone event to the United Way campaign. Seneca's United Way campaign closed on Friday, Oct. 27.

Photos from the event can be seen here.

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