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International Cultural Day Karaoke Event

International Cultural Day Karaoke Event

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The Immigration Specialist team is hosting and "International Cultural Day". We encourage everybody to come on campus wearing their traditional clothing on that day.

The event will run from 11 a.m - 3 p.m. in The Pond Cafeteria at Newnham.

Guests can participate in a karaoke singing station for $2 and up per song as well as cultural snacks on sale for all who come by.

Guests who would like to contribute can also donate snacks toward the sale. Snacks can be individually packed chips, cookies, or snacks that you can buy from different cultural stores and all funds raised will go toward the Campaign for Students Endowed Bursary.

To contribute snacks or support the event, contact Carman.Dang@senecapolytechnic.ca 

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