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Introduction to the Reciprocity Mural | Reciprocity Mural | Seneca Students

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Version 1

Introduction to the Reciprocity Mural

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The concept for the mural is inspired by the three pillars of Au Large — building an equitable, sustainable and more virtual Seneca.

The mural depicts a diverse student body, faculty and employees through representation of Black, Indigenous and people of colour (POC), persons who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ and other intersections, including persons with disabilities.

The mural acknowledges the wisdom and guidance of First Peoples, the land and all plant and animal life that is present on the grounds of the Food Hall. The teachings of animals guided the artistic organization of the walls to reflect Seneca’s individual programs, faculties and activities.

The mural was created with the images and memories shared by the Seneca community, along with the archives, newsletters and photographs found by the research team. Combined, the final project highlights Seneca’s seven campuses as well as its diverse classrooms and landscapes.

The mural team is made up of faculty and graduates from Seneca’s School of Creative Arts & Animation. When possible, materials were sourced from small businesses.

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