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What happens when I make the call? | School of ECE Field Placement

School of ECE Field Placement

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  • What happens when I make the call?  

  • Answered

    While on the call, the student may be asked a variety of questions about the reasons for the call. The worker will be trying to gather as much information as possible to help them determine what, if any, follow-up support or investigations are needed. The student should answer as honestly and openly as possible based on the information available to them. You may also ask the child protection worker questions about the process if needed.  

    At the end of the call students should write down any directions given by the child protection worker, as well as the name of the person they spoke with, for their documentation.  

    As a reminder, students must talk with a child protection worker via phone directly.  It is not enough to only leave a message. If calling after hours and needing to leave a message, be sure to leave your full name and a telephone number where you can be reached. If your message is not returned the same day call back the following morning. 

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