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Vehicle Safety Tips | Security and Emergency Management Services | Seneca Students

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Vehicle Safety Tips

Vehicle Safety Tips

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Vehicle safety isn’t just about driving on the road with your hands at 10 and 2. Vehicle safety with respects to accidents, valuables, theft and carjacking, is knowledge every driver should have when leaving work or your home before entering a vehicle.

Why would someone carjack you in the first place? Parked cars, especially the newer models, are becoming more difficult to steal. Built in alarm systems, kill switches and other theft deterrent devices are making parked cars less attractive to the inexperienced car thief. Car thieves find it much easier to steal a car while the key is in the ignition, and too many times they are able to catch the driver off guard.

With that in mind – here are some general tips to help prevent you from being a victim in a vehicle incident and possibly help you should you ever become a victim:

  • No vehicle is worth your life. Let them have it.
  • Do not leave your vehicle unlocked and/or running – always secure your vehicle, lock it and take the keys with you.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • As you approach your vehicle – have your keys in your hand and ready to open the door
  • Always park in well lighted areas.
  • Check your backseat.
  • Have 911 on speed dial – even if the police cannot answer you right away: STAY ON THE LINE.
  • When stopping in traffic, always keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you. If you have to make a quick getaway you will be able to turn your wheel and move without being
    boxed in.
  • Be suspicious of people approaching your car, asking for directions, handing out flyers or trying to sell items in the parking lot.
  • If a suspicious person approaches your car, drive away carefully.
  • If another driver “bumps” your car, keep your doors locked and windows up. Drive to the
    nearest police or fire station, or a well-lighted, populated area.
  • Avoid using drive-up ATM machines.
  • If you suspect someone is following you, don’t go home. Drive to the nearest police or fire station or a well-lighted, populated area for help.
  • If you are the victim of a carjacking, don’t reach for your purse or backpack. Leave everything behind if forced from the car.
  • Don’t resist, especially if the thief has a weapon.
  • Give up your vehicle with no questions asked and move away.
  • Put as much distance between yourself and the carjacker as quickly as possible in case the thief attempts to pursue you.

If you need help on campus, press a Code Blue phone located in the parking lot and security will come to you.  You can also download the SenecaSAFE app and use the Mobile BlueLight feature to notify Campus Security of your location.  To learn more about ways to contact Security click here

Emergency Help Line: 416-764-0911 or Microsoft Teams ext. 88

Main Security Dispatch: 416-764-0911