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Canada Road Safety Week – May 16 to May 22 | Security and Emergency Management Services | Seneca Students

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Canada Road Safety Week – May 16 to May 22

Canada Road Safety Week – May 16 to May 22

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Today marks the beginning of Canada Road Safety Week, a 7-day national campaign aimed at making Canada's roads the safest in the world. This annual awareness campaign is designed to increase public compliance with safe driving measures to save lives and reduce injuries on Canada’s roads. The focus of this campaign continues to be on the elimination of impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving, and driving without a seatbelt.

This year’s campaign theme is “Take the Wheel”, a popular expression that not only means to drive but also to “take control”. We want to remind everyone that they are in control of their driving on Canada’s roads and that they should be adopting safe driving behaviours to keep themselves, their passengers, other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians safe.

Seneca is proud to be participating in this year’s Canada Road Safety Week campaign. While this public safety initiative is part of a national effort to help advance Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2025 to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world, our local efforts are aim to make the roads here in among the safest in Canada.

Every driver can help stop distracted driving on our roads and help promote safer driving practices. How?

  • Never drive while impaired
    • Know you have options:
      • Call a friend or family member to come pick you up
      • Call an Uber/Taxi (make sure to send your location to a friend or family member so that they can help monitor your trip – utilize the Seneca SAFE app Friend Walk feature)
        • What it is: An app built into Seneca SAFE sends the user’s position to a contact through email or messaging the client on the device.
        • How it works: Once the friend accepts the Friend Walk request, the user picks their destination and their friend tracks their location in real time; they keep an eye on them to make sure they make it safely to their destination.
        • How to set one up: Simply open up your SAFE app and select the Friend Walk icon!
  • Never text while driving, even when you are stopped in traffic or at a traffic light
  • If you must send or receive a call or text, pull over to a safe location and park your car first
  • Avoid using any device that may take your attention away from the task of driving
    • This includes changing the settings on your navigation system or browsing the menu on your infotainment system
  • Keep your eyes on the road and safely control your vehicle at all times
  • Encourage friends and family to drive distraction-free
  • Protect yourself from aggressive drivers
    • Don’t take it personally. Be polite, even if the other driver is not. If another driver challenges you, take a deep breath and move out of the way.
    • Keep your eyes on the road. Don’t provoke an aggressive driver further by making negative eye contact or gesturing. Show them they can’t distract you from driving safely.
    • Always be a courteous driver. Set an example for other drivers by always being courteous and driving defensively.
    • Take all safety measures. The number one passenger safety precaution is to make sure everyone is properly buckled up.
  • Prevent aggressive driving
    • Just as community groups have banded together to protect their neighborhoods, drivers must take an active role in preventing aggressive driving on our roads and highways. Here are some simple tips on how to make a difference.
      • Report incidents of aggressive driving. If your safety, or the safety of someone around you, is being threatened by an aggressive driver, contact the police.
      • Set an example for younger passengers. Children are keenly observant. Educating them at an early age through your actions will teach them the importance of being courteous.
  • Never drive without a seat belt

To find additional information on distracted driving and other driving safety tips like tire maintenance, winter driving, using vehicle lights, and warning lights/indicators you can visit the Stay safe when driving (Canada.ca) page.

To find additional information on how to avoid aggressive driving situations you can visit the Canada Safety Council page.

Download the Seneca SAFE app:

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