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Version 5
Engineering month celebration!

Engineering month celebration!

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March is National Engineering Month, and the SESS club, which is an engineering club, held a great event on March 28 at the Newnham campus. This event was primarily planned to raise awareness of the fact that engineering is omnipresent in daily life and that we all engage in some form of engineering activity.

The concept behind this event was to envision a world without bridges. Although it is hard to imagine a world without bridges as they have greatly streamlined our lives by reducing travel time and linking distant regions of the globe. It truly is a feat of engineering!


The event was majorly divided in three sections


The competition to build bridges was the main event, and Professor Jacky Lau's demonstration of how to build a bridge out of sticks and wires gave the contestants direction on how to proceed.  Even though it appears to be an artistic endeavour, building a bridge out of these materials requires a lot more engineering than it might seem and can be done without any prior professional experience.





The second part of the event was devoted to demonstrating a game created by SESS club executive team member Arian in Python using the pygame framework.

Although the focus here was primarily on entertainment, they might have included some information regarding the game's back end for gamers interested in how it worked.


A short quiz on engineering facts was held during the second half of the program, and students who participated and won, earned some exciting prizes!


Overall, the event was a huge success as there was a huge turnout. The Organizers and the volunteers did and excellent job planning an event that would engage the students and be informative at the same time.




To connect with the club and participate in some incredible activities, just scan the QR code below. 

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