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From Seneca graduate to Olympic champion

From Seneca graduate to Olympic champion

4.53 (1votes)

Brian Price, a 1998 graduate of Seneca Polytechnic's Civil Engineering Technology program, is a distinguished Olympian in the world of rowing. A three-time Olympian, Mr. Price coxed the men's eight crew to a gold medal at the Beijing 2008 Olympics and placed fifth at the Athens 2004 Games.

Mr. Price described to us his journey and the lessons he's learned. Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

How does it feel to know your success as an Olympic champion inspires young athletes in Canada and beyond?

My Olympic journey started when I was 12, watching Olympians on TV. I dreamed of being able to do that one day myself. When I discovering rowing, it took years of hard work, commitment, dedication and sacrifice to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming an Olympic champion.

What was the most important thing you learned during your time at Seneca and how did it help you get to where you are today? 

Preparation and time management. On a rowing team, you can’t be late, or the crew can't go out. My ability to prepare my day ahead of time while at Seneca helped me grow into a responsible adult and also seeded great habits to be successful in life.

What advice would you give to someone who dreams of going to the Olympics but doesn’t know where to start?

Try as many sports as you can.  Sure, there are a few sports you must start young but developing your skills over various sports is something transferrable. Rowers don’t generally start rowing until they are 14, and the best rowers are athletes who come from different sports.

How did you balance school and sport while at Seneca?

I went to bed early and managed my time effectively. Every day was planned around school, personal time, and sport. Sufficient sleep was key.

When did you make your first National Rowing Team?

I finished my final exam at Seneca in the spring of 1998, packed my ’89 Honda Civic and moved to London, Ont. to try out for the team. My parents were shocked that I didn’t pursue a career in civil engineering right away. I told them I can always work but this dream can only happen right now.

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