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Seneca will once again enjoy prime-time coverage during the Super Bowl on CTV with our Driven by Ambition ad featuring prominent graduates.
Kickoff is at 6:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 12.
Seneca has a pre-show spot at approximately 5 p.m. and a game spot just before the half-time show at approximately 7:41 p.m. The times can vary based on the live game.
Show your followers that you are #SenecaProud and share your screengrabs and videos of the Seneca ad during the game for a chance to be featured on Seneca's channels.
You can also like and repost our featured graduates who will be getting in on the social Super Bowl action tonight:
Ervin Sevilla
Eunice K. Yeboah
Julia Clements
Natalya Amres
Neil Hetherington
Stephanie Henry
Vlad Kozhushko
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