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October convocation ceremonies cancelled | MyNews | Seneca Students

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October convocation ceremonies cancelled

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09/13/2021, Toronto,

Due to the ongoing public health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Seneca, Ryerson, University of Toronto and York University have made the difficult decision not to hold in-person convocation ceremonies in October.

Seneca’s fall 2021 graduates will be sent a congratulatory package with their credential by courier in October. Graduates will also receive a digital version of their credential. While convocation ceremonies are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our students’ achievements with their family and friends, we must continue to respond to the changing circumstances of the pandemic and prioritize the health and safety of the Seneca community. 

Graduates will also be able to celebrate this special milestone by visiting the #SenecaProud Graduation website, which includes alumni resources, custom GIFs and a celebration video featuring President David Agnew and Seneca alumni. 

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