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Course Assessment Survey extended until April 9 | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Course Assessment Survey extended until April 9

Course Assessment Survey extended until April 9

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The Course Assessment Survey is now open to all students.

The information collected in this survey is very important. It helps us improve your classroom experience and lets your professors know what’s working and what isn’t. Our goal is to continue improving so we can deliver a great education that prepares you for your career.

We are also interested in hearing about your experiences with Seneca’s academic delivery options (in-person, online, hybrid and flexible).

All students will receive a single email on Monday, March 20 that they can use to access the evaluation for all courses. If you are enrolled in both continuing education and daytime courses, you will receive two links. 

Responses are confidential, and students will not be identified in any reporting of the results.

If you have any questions, please contact the Centre for Institutional Data and Enterprise Analytics at C-IDEA@senecacollege.ca.

Thank you in advance for your participation. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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