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Donate pre-loved items to The Boutique Clothing Drive | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Donate pre-loved items to The Boutique Clothing Drive

Donate pre-loved items to The Boutique Clothing Drive

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Looking to donate clothing after a bit of spring cleaning this weekend? Drop off pre-loved items you no longer desire to The Boutique Clothing Drive taking place from noon to 6 p.m. on Monday, April 3 to Thursday, April 6.

Students and employees are welcome to drop off women’s pre-loved, clean and in good condition cloths, footwear and handbags to The Boutique, Building B, Newnham Campus. Smart casual, trendy fashion styles and wear-to-work styles are wanted.

This is the first semester that The Boutique has a pre-loved clothing section. This initiative helps reduce the environmental footprint by offering cool and unique pre-loved finds at a lower price.

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