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Version 5
Invitation to participate in an online research survey

Invitation to participate in an online research survey

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Are you a Seneca student with classes or on-campus activities at Newnham Campus?

Seneca has agreed to support the distribution of a research survey invitation to Seneca students. The study has received clearance by Seneca’s Research Ethics Board.

Seneca students that have had an on-campus experience at Newnham Campus are invited to participate in a research study for an independent master’s thesis on designing a spatial sense of belonging for students at Seneca. The main objective for this Master of Design study is to examine the concept of belonging as a tool for evaluating the design of institutional settings.

To participate in this study, you need to be a current Seneca student over the age of 17. Participation involves completing an online survey that will take approximately 10 minutes of your time.

You can read the research recruitment letter or access the letter of information and complete the online survey

If you are interested in participating, please complete the survey by Friday, April 21, 2023.

Questions? Email reb@senecacollege.ca

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