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Entrances and Mask approach for May 1, 2023 | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Entrances and Mask approach for May 1, 2023

Entrances and Mask approach for May 1, 2023

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TO: All students and employees
FROM: President David Agnew
RE: Entrances and Mask approach for May 1, 2023

It has been a long, long haul, but as of May 1, 2023, the last of our pandemic-specific health and safety restrictions on campus will be removed.

We are making these changes in light of updated public health guidance, your feedback and a more stable level of COVID-19 in the community.

As of May 1, students and employees will not need to tap or scan their OneCard to enter campuses. Visitors will not be required to sign in to enter campuses. However, visitors to residences must sign in with government-issued photo ID.

The entry kiosks will be removed. More entrances will be open during the day to make it more convenient to enter campus buildings. We will reduce the number of open entrances through the evening as a security measure.

As of May 1, masks will no longer be required on campus unless wearing Personal Protective Equipment is part of an academic or work requirement. Masks will continue to be required in the Health Centre at Newnham Campus.

However, Seneca welcomes the use of masks as a matter of personal choice. Masks will continue to be available at main entrances upon request.

Protecting the health of our community 
Thanks to you, Seneca responded to the pandemic remarkably well. We can be proud of the way our community came together to protect the health and safety of each other, our families and friends.

We continue to urge everyone to keep their vaccinations up to date and follow the advice of public health officials. Being vaccinated is the best way to reduce the impact of viruses – COVID-19 and others – on you and those around you.

As well, please be considerate of your fellow students and employees and do not come to campus if you are feeling ill. COVID-19 has not gone away, nor have other viruses and respiratory illnesses that are spread through human contact.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Best wishes for a healthy and successful conclusion to the Winter Term.

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