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You’re invited to the next Climate Café | MyNews | Seneca Students

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You’re invited to the next Climate Café

You’re invited to the next Climate Café

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Join the Office of Sustainability, the Office of Reconciliation and Inclusion and Seneca HELIX’s HERizons for Seneca’s second Climate Café on Wednesday, May 17, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.  This event provides a safe space to discuss your feelings regarding the effects of climate change and what we can do to protect Mother Earth.

You can join in person in Room K2000, Seneca Innovation Open Space, Newnham Campus. The event will also be live streamed via ZOOM,

Coffee, tea and snacks will be provided courtesy of Seneca Alumni and Seneca HELIX’s HERizons. Please bring a reusable mug.

Registration required before Monday, May 15.

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