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Take your education to the next level

Take your education to the next level

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Are you ready to expand your list of academic accomplishments? Whether it’s pursuing a new program or field of study, or continuing your studies, Seneca has several new programs and certificates that can enhance your academic journey.

Join one of our virtual, one-hour informative webinars during the week of May 29 to find out if these programs are right for you.

Graduate Certificates

Asset Management
This program prepares you to evaluate the financial performance of asset operations, identify business issues and recommend action plans.
Register for the webinar on Wednesday, May 31 at 3 p.m. EST.

Immigration Case Management
This program prepares you to support legal practitioners, specifically immigration lawyers and licensed immigration and citizenship consultants, in their practice within the context of the broader Canadian legal framework.
Register for the webinar on Monday, May 29 at 3 p.m. EST.

Sustainable Urban & Transportation Planning
This program prepares students for planning roles that focus on ensuring urban areas are sustainable, inclusive and equitable.
Register for the webinar on Wednesday, May 31 at 6 p.m. EST.

Honours Bachelor’s Degrees

Honours Bachelor of Communications & Media
This program will prepare you to apply strategic communications and best practices in leadership in support of the goals of any organization, industry, or entrepreneurial endeavour.
Register for the webinar on Tuesday, May 30 at 4 p.m. EST.

Honours Bachelor of Information Technology Design and Management
This program will prepare you to design, implement and manage information technology (IT) systems and networks to ensure they are secure and operating with optimal performance.
Register for the webinar on Friday, June 2 at 3 p.m. EST.

Honours Bachelor of Science - Biotechnology
This program will prepare you for work as a biological technologist, research and development associate, microbiology quality control technologist and more.
Register for the webinar on Thursday, June 1 at 3 p.m. EST.

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