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Seneca student wins bronze at Microsoft Office Specialist Canadian National Championship | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Seneca student wins bronze at Microsoft Office Specialist Canadian National Championship

Seneca student wins bronze at Microsoft Office Specialist Canadian National Championship

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On June 5, the 2023 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Canadian National Championship was held virtually. Seneca Polytechnic International Business student, Tsam Yui Lau, competed with fellow Canadian entrants ranging in age from 13 to 21, who represented secondary schools, colleges and universities from across the country.

The initial qualification was based on a high score on the college level exam. Tsam, who scored bronze in the Microsoft Word category, took home a $500 (CAD) prize, a medal of achievement and a certificate.

Congratulations Tsam, we are #SenecaProud of you!

For more information about the competition: https://ccilearning.com/moschampionshipca/

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