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Three SEMET students win second place at Siemens Digital Industries Realize LIVE 2023 | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Three SEMET students win second place at Siemens Digital Industries Realize LIVE 2023

Three SEMET students win second place at Siemens Digital Industries Realize LIVE 2023

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On June 14, three Seneca students from the School of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering Technology (SEMET) won second place at the first ever Siemens Digital Industries Realize LIVE 2023 Design Hack in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The challenge involved a 48-hour sustainable engineering design-hack competition using NX™ software, which is included in the Siemens Xcelerator business platform of software, hardware and services. The event provided students with an opportunity to work together and showcase their skills. It also provided an opportunity to collaborate with Siemens Digital Industries Software experts and technology, as well as a strong global community of partners like KYBURZ Switzerland AG, who was a sponsor of the competition.

Under the guidance of Professor Houman Hakima, students Thomas Munoz Alecina, Ricardo Ramirez Castro and Pari Qarehdaghi worked as a team to showcase their innovative and sustainable engineering design skills to optimize the design of a chassis for sustainability and manufacturability.

Congratulations to our SEMET students, we are #SenecaProud of you!

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