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The Seneca SAFE app is a free, mobile app that provides instant access to campus safety resources. These include emergency contact information, response plans, counselling and medical resources. Using the app allows you to connect with campus security immediately, should you ever require safety-related assistance.
BlueLight emergency stations are installed at all Seneca campuses and provide students and employees with the ability to request assistance in an emergency. Through the Seneca SAFE app, your mobile device works as a mobile BlueLight that alerts campus security of your location and connects you to an on-duty officer right away. If you are unable to speak due to the nature of the emergency, campus security will respond to the location of the alarm.
Seneca SAFE can also be accessed on classroom PC-based podiums by clicking the desktop and tray icon three times, which will activate an alarm.
For more information, visit the Seneca Security and Emergency Management Services space.
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