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Seneca’s seventh annual Summer Institute prepares entrepreneurs for success | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Seneca’s seventh annual Summer Institute prepares entrepreneurs for success

Seneca’s seventh annual Summer Institute prepares entrepreneurs for success

4.52 (1votes)

Call it a boot camp for innovation that just might end up creating new solutions to addressing food security. 

Seneca HELIX, in collaboration with York Region and Boreal Farms, delivered the seventh annual HELIX Summer Institute which ended Aug. 28. The six-day intensive, virtual “design jam” provided participant with varying educational backgrounds (including in the fields of engineering, marketing, graphic design, global business management and cyber security) with design thinking and essential skill training to build solutions around food security.  

Lead facilitators, supported by mentors from around the world, encouraged participants to think creatively, develop innovative solutions and pivot based on feedback from stakeholders. This year’s Summer Institute had 45 participants, including several who enrolled from three international Institutions - JCDV College (India), Manav Rachna University (India) and Amity University (Dubai). 

“It was a tremendous success,” says Chris Dudley, Director of Entrepreneurship, Seneca. “The interactive Summer Institute provided critical thinking skills and prepared participants to adapt to the ever-changing world in their careers or as entrepreneurs.” 

At the conclusion of the Summer Institute, teams presented their solutions to a panel of judges, including Laurie Snyder, chief operating officer, Feed the Need – Durham; Brandon Hebor, founder, Boreal Farms and Judy Wong, Seneca faculty member and Co-ordinator of the Business Management – Entrepreneurship & Innovation graduate certificate program.  

Seneca HELIX continues to offer business development solutions to entrepreneurs.  We look forward to seeing these solutions in the marketplace shortly. 

For more information on Seneca HELIX, click here. 

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