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Kick-off for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Seneca@York Courtyard Grand Opening | MyNews | Seneca Students

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Kick-off for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Seneca@York Courtyard Grand Opening

Kick-off for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Seneca@York Courtyard Grand Opening

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Join us for the kick-off for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and grand opening of the new Seneca@York Courtyard on Thursday, Sept. 21 at Seneca@York Campus.

The official opening of the Courtyard takes place at 11 a.m. with light refreshments, music and a chance to connect with members of the Seneca community.

At 1 p.m., Isaac Murdoch, Indigenous artist, will unveil his mural titled “The Petition to the Water Spirits”, in the Courtyard.

This event is offered virtually and in person at the Seneca@York Campus Courtyard.

Register to attend the event virtually.

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