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Business students can now apply for internships with Disney

Business students can now apply for internships with Disney

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A new partnership provides some Seneca Business students an opportunity to complete a six-month internship at Walt Disney World in Florida.

Seneca Polytechnic President David Agnew recently formalized the partnership by signing a memorandum of understanding with the University of Florida.

The Disney International Academic Exchange is now available to Honours Bachelor of Commerce – Business Management students.

By participating in this internship, students will complete the 420 hours of work that are required to complete the mandatory work experience component of their BBM degree. 

One current student is already taking part in this internship. Julia Ivanova will be finishing her six-month stint at Walt Disney World in December.

“Since taking this internship, I have become more independent and organized,” Ms. Ivanova said. “Businesses are no longer looking for the smartest, shiniest penny. Instead, they are looking for someone that has lived experience, like the one Seneca is offering me through this internship at Walt Disney World.”

To learn more about this opportunity and to apply, visit the University of Florida Disney International Work Experience page.

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