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ECE Lab School closes its doors after more than three decades of impact | MyNews | Seneca Students

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ECE Lab School closes its doors after more than three decades of impact

ECE Lab School closes its doors after more than three decades of impact

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It was the end of an era on Saturday, Dec. 9 as the School of Early Childhood Education bid adieu to a chapter that spanned more than 30 years – the closure of its renowned Lab School in 2023.

Hundreds of students, families and Seneca staff came togethChildren playing at the ECE Lab School closure eventer in a historic celebration of the Lab School’s legacy. For more than three decades, it stood as a hub of joy, creativity and knowledge leaving a mark on the lives of countless children and their families. Simultaneously, it served as an unparalleled space of experiential learning, shaping the educational journey of thousands of Seneca students.

Heather Lewis, Chair, School of Early Childhood Education, reflected on its enduring impact, saying “The Lab continued to spark inspiration, innovation and pedagogical discussions for educators from across the globe through its rich creative environments until its last days.”

The facility, which had become an integral part of the School since its opening in 1992, underwent a transformative shift during the COVID-19 pandemic when it could no longer be used as a licensed childcare centre, evolving into an experiential learning space for students to explore theories, curriculum development and classroom design.

Child plays at ECE Lab School

“Our commitment to providing an exceptional experience for our students never wavered, even in the face of changes brought about by the pandemic,” said Ms. Lewis. “We adapted then, and our commitment to expanding experiential learning remains as the School of Early Childhood Education continues to thrive in the community.”

As preparations unfold to develop the new Health and Wellness Centre at Newnham Campus, temporary experiential learning studios are being created throughout Building E, while plans for future lab spaces across King and Newnham campuses are fully underway.

In a heartfelt expression of gratitude, Ms. Lewis extended appreciation to Seneca staff – past and present – who played pivotal roles in shaping the Lab’s trajectory over its remarkable three-decade journey. Their contributions not only enriched the Seneca community, but also left a legacy on the field of early childhood education and will continue to foster growth and development for future educators.

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