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Seneca’s Security and Emergency Management team will be testing the SenecaSAFE mass notification system on Tuesday, April 23. This test is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of our emergency communication system in the event of an actual emergency, and to verify the functionality of the system to ensure that the entire Seneca community receives the message promptly.
What does the test involve?
The test will involve sending a notification through Desktop Alert and digital displays at two separate times during the day on Tuesday, April 23. The test will not disrupt Seneca operations or academic delivery. The notification will read:
You are seeing this message because we are testing our mass notification system to ensure you see important safety messages when it matters.
What time is the test taking place on April 23?
At 10:30 a.m.:All workstations and podiums at all campuses will receive a test notification for users who are logged in to the system. This will conclude at approximately 10:45 p.m.
At 1 p.m.:Designated digital displays at each campus will display the test notification until approximately 1:45 p.m.
What you need to do:
Those who are logged in to a Seneca workstation or podium are kindly asked to acknowledge receipt of the Desktop Alert notification by clicking the “Acknowledge and Close” button that appears at the bottom of their screens to resume their regular duties.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Service Desk or Security & Emergency Management Services.
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