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Here we grow again: Upgrades, improvements and construction activities across Seneca

Here we grow again: Upgrades, improvements and construction activities across Seneca

4.55 (1votes)

Nothing signifies this time of year better than construction activities and upgrades across the GTA. At Seneca over the next few months, you’ll notice a lot of activity as we continue upgrades to our campuses, creating spaces that best serve our community.

Visit this page often to stay updated on all the activities happening across our campuses.

 Week of Monday, Dec. 16

Newnham Campus EV chargers on Au Large Blvd.

Electric vehicle chargers at Newnham Campus along Au Large Blvd. will not be available on Monday, Dec. 16 due to sustainability improvements.

The EV chargers in the CITE parking lot and parking structure will continue to be available during this disruption.

Newnham Campus corridors 

Electrical upgrades are planned for Newnham Campus during the holiday closure.

In order to prepare for the work, some material will be stored in the corridors on the first floor of Building B, C and D starting on Monday, Dec. 16 and throughout the week.

Seneca apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.



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